A community for thinking about pedagogy in data journalism.

We’re building a community of educators — professors, teachers, trainers, and everyone in between — who are interested in thinking about effective and thoughtful ways to teach data skills to journalists. We hope to learn from one another, dive into empirical research and reach out to experts in adjacent fields to hone our teaching craft. So whether you stay up late at night thinking about learning objectives, assessment mechanisms and rubrics, or if you’re completely new to teaching data journalism and are looking for a learning community, join us!

Check out our kickoff post "By What Metric?" on OpenNews' Source blog or scroll down to learn more about our upcoming events!



Teachers’ Lounge Newsletter — July 2, 2024

Teachers’ Lounge Newsletter — June 11, 2024

Teachers’ Lounge Newsletter — April 19, 2024

By what metric?


Untitled Database